How Digital Catalogs can Help you Buy and Sell Fruits and Vegetables Online

Emma Garner
December 21, 2023

It’s no secret that e-commerce is the way of the future. In fact, there are projected to be more than 291 million online shoppers in the US by 2025. The fresh produce wholesale business is no exception. The digital supply chain is rapidly growing. And wholesalers, grocery stores, even local food co-ops are using produce catalogs to buy and sell fruits and vegetables online.

Why use online catalogs?

Digital catalogs can help you keep up in today’s market. They make it easy to buy and sell fruits and vegetables online. With a professional digital catalog, you can expand your reach and gain a competitive edge.

Benefits of a digital catalog:

  • Digital catalogs are easy to update. Fresh produce inventory and pricing can fluctuate. A digital catalog makes it easy to keep current inventory and pricing up to date for your customers.
  • Online catalogs are easy to search. Customers will appreciate being able to quickly find what they’re looking for. Without having to leaf through hundreds of pages that they don’t need.
  • E-Commerce catalogs are easy to find. Customers will be able to locate your business through a simple online search. Allowing you to reach otherwise unreachable clients.
  • Online catalogs are easy to share. If a client has a question, you send them a link. If a new customer is interested, just point them to your digital catalog. Gone are the days of mailing out stacks of paper catalogs. Sharing your online catalog with customers is quick and easy.
  • Digital catalogs can help you access new customers and even new markets. Making your produce more accessible and helping to grow your business.
  • Online catalogs are easy to keep organized. All of the information you need is in one place and easy to trace. No need to search through emails, faxes, or text messages to find the terms you agreed to. Just log into your digital catalog for all the answers.

Who is using online catalogs?

Online catalogs are working well for fresh produce sellers worldwide. Both B2B and B2C retailers are seeing digital catalog success. Buyers and consumers appreciate the transparency and clarity of digital catalogs (and prices and data are always up-to-date). They’re convenient. And all necessary information is easily accessible.

Some produce retailers making use of online catalogs:

  • Both local and national grocery stores are using digital catalogs for their store pickup and delivery options. Consumers can shop for their groceries from the school pick-up line, their kitchen table, or even the sofa.
  • Local food co-ops and CSAs (community supported agriculture) are also making use of online catalogs. They allow members to personalize their orders via an online platform.
  • Wholesalers are using online catalogs to reach their customers. Buyers appreciate the flexibility of online catalogs. No more waiting to get someone on the phone. The ordering platform is ready when they are. And everything is easily accessible in one place.  
  • Some farmers’ markets have even begun using online catalogs. Vendors list their weekly inventory and customers can place advance orders for easy pickup. COVID-conscious shoppers especially appreciate this touchless alternative to a traditional farmers’ market.

How can Consentio help with your online catalog?

Convinced of your need for an online catalog? Consentio is here to help. Our market-leading platform provides a professional online catalog that’s sure to impress your clients.

Benefits of Using Consentio for your Online Catalog:

  • Consentio offers a professional and customizable interface. Your catalog will be polished and professional from the moment it’s published.
  • Consentio online catalogs are easy to edit and keep up to date. You can add or remove a product from your catalog in seconds. And you can easily mark an item “out of stock” with a single click.
  • Online catalogs through Consentio can accept orders at any time. Allowing you to spend your valuable time on other parts of your business instead of on the phone taking orders.
  • Consentio online catalogs integrate with your ERP system. Keeping order and inventory data current. And your team all working with the most up to date information.
  • Consentio’s centralized CHAT feature offers easy communication with your customers.
  • Online catalogs through Consentio can host promotions and allow you to create marketing initiatives.
  • Consentio’s sales prospecting features make it easy to find new customers.
  • Digital catalogs through Consentio are easy for customers to use as well. They can easily place orders via app or desktop computer.

Building an online catalog with Consentio has endless benefits. If you’d like to learn more, you can see all of our features here.

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